Full Name
Val Wright
Val Wright Consulting
Internationally acclaimed innovation and growth expert Val Wright was named as one of the
top 50 resources for Chief Operating Officers by ClickSoftware. She is one of only 64 experts
inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame.

The global clients who have requested her help include Starbucks, LinkedIn, Amazon, Lenovo,
Ingram Micro, Arrow, francesca’s, Microsoft, Avnet, Financial Times, Seagate, Gartner, Datto,
and the LA Lakers. Val’s corporate experience includes tenures during dramatic growth
periods at Amazon, BMW, Microsoft, Harrods, and Xbox.

Val participated on the small team that created the fastest-selling device of all time, Kinect for
Xbox, which won a Guinness Book of World Record, selling over 20 million devices. This
contributed to the turnaround of Microsoft’s Entertainment business from a billion-dollar loss
to a multimillion-dollar profit machine.

Her unique approach, which she has trademarked as Thoughtfully Ruthless®, has produced
typical client results of market domination in extraordinarily short time frames along with
compassionate truth telling, fearlessness, and extensive creative, technical, and leadership gains.
Val’s books include: Thoughtfully Ruthless: The Key to Exponential Growth Wiley, 2016 named UK
Amazon Best Selling Time Management Skills book, best business book by Independent Press
Awards and NYC Big Book Awards, and best career book by the Book Excellence Awards,
and Rapid Growth, Done Right Lead, Influence and Innovate for Success Kogan Page, 2020 which
was named best business book by NYC Big Book Awards and Words That Work: Communicate
your Purpose, Performance, and Profit, Kogan Page 2022, named distinguished favorite business
book by NYC Big Book Awards, best management book by the Book Excellence Awards and
Amazon Best Selling Business Communications book in multiple countries. She is a regular
contributor on CNBC, WSJ, BBC News, Fox Business News, Inc. Magazine, Business Insider,
Fast Company, Bloomberg, Reuters, LA Times, and Today.

Originally from England, Val now lives in California with her three daughters and husband.
Val Wright