Join RMN Europe Ascendant Boot Camp*! This 1½-day boot camp is focused on worldwide commerce media best practices. Our “frieNDA” will be in full effect meaning no press, off-the-record, closed door, Chatham House rules, resulting in candid, real convos. 


Limited to 80-100 participants 

11+ hours of programming over 1.5 days 

  • 9 hours of keynotes + powerhouse sessions tee up key trends + cross-border best practices onsite & in-store & offsite + the biggest opportunities + common challenges + full-funnel excellence + the exploration of powerful tech + data + content partnerships
  • 2 hours of small-group sessions provide safe environments to candidly compare notes on what’s working + what’s not as market dynamics + partner capabilities quickly evolve
  • 8+ hours of networking provide ample time for the trading of notes with peers + the vetting of partners
  • Deliberately inclusive + diverse

Have questions or interested in becoming a member, partner or speaker? Email us at


*All registration subject to review + approval. Please register early to hold your spot as a waitlist will be in effect once we hit capacity.